
Secure Email Settings for OUTLOOK


Secure Email Connections for Outlook

User Information
Your Name: UP TO YOU
email address: user@yourdomain.com

Server Information
account type : POP/IMAP ( your choice )
Incoming Mail Server: servername your hosting account is on ( visible in ExColo Portal )
Outgoing Mail Server ( SMTP) : servername your hosting account is on ( visible in ExColo Portal )

Logon Information
Username: user@yourdomain.com
Password: ( Your Email Password )

Remember Password ( your choice ) 

Now hit the more settings button

In General Tab 
No Changes 
In outgoing Server Tab 
check My Outgoing Server ( SMTP ) requires authentacation
check the radio button that says use same settings as my incoming mail server
In Connection Tab
No Changes
In Advanced Tab
Incoming Server
Check the This server requires an encrypted connection ( it will auto fill in the port number )
Outgoing Server ( Smtp ): Set to Port 587 ( if this doesnt work please try ports 465 or 25 as well )
Use the Following type of encrypted Connection TLS

Close the More settings popup and hit the test button Then click the next button